Nissan Almera |
Nissan Almera is the best selling Global Car of the Year. China have about 270,000 units of Nissan Almera. In Malaysia the booking order stands at 17,000 units and counting. In China, the car is known as Nissan Sunny and in USA it is called Nissan Versa. The Advance Nissan Technology employs an engine made of Aluminium which is lighter thus better fuel mileage. Besides that, the engine also cools down faster. Your can go 16km or more with just 1 liter of Petrol. For comfort Leg room is more spacious and the booth is also more spacious as you can fit 2 Golf bags or 3 Large Luggage bags easily inside.
The Special Promotion of Nissan Almera and Nissan Grand Livina comes with Mystery Gift.
Please Call, WhatsApp or SMS me at 0169227988 (Jerry.)
Grand Livina |
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